They accepted my child at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa..

My son had applied for six different universities, and so far, he hadn’t received acceptance from any of them; I kept telling him to be patient, bec,ause sporadically it took time to get the paperwork.

I asked if he had one locale he very wanted acceptance to, and he said it was the University of Alabama, in Tuscaloosa, but when he said that, all I could think was that was where the Alabama Arboretum was.

When I was at the university in Tuscaloosa, the arboretum was the locale I went to when I wanted to think. It was such a appealing locale, and it was peaceful, but the university arboretum is an exotic plant world, six weeks later, my son came running into the dwelling with the mail, and he had a substantial packet of papers from the University of Alabama. He had been accepted, and this was all the information he needed for the school. Inside the packet was information on the University of Alabama Arboretum. He told me it sounded just like I have previously mentioned would. The wildflower garden housed over 250 flowering plants. There was a walk-through hickory, pine, and oak forest, but you would walk thorough bogs and see cacti and orchids at the orangehouse. He said it was going to be warm in there, and I laughed. It was going to be warm in Tuscaloosa, and he had better hope there was a/c in the dorms. He stopped and looked at me like I was deranged about hoping there was a/c. There wasn’t a/c when I was there.


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