I headed to the beach for the sunshine

I love going to the beach on a windy plus overcast day, and a lot of people do not care about to go to the beach unless it is hot with plenty of sunshine, although I happen to guess that the beach can be elegant even when the sky is gray.

I went to the beach on Sunday.

I had the day off work plus I took a book plus an umbrella to the water. I decided to go to one of our number one beaches in San Francisco, but mile Rock Beach is at the end of Lands End Trail. It takes a 5 mile hike to reach the beach, however it isn’t rough terrain or hills. It is a cove with immense piles of rocks! The part has a truly calming plus soothing effect. On Sunday it wasn’t truly tied up plus the beach was not overcrowded. I sat on the beach with our book plus a marijuana vape pen. I knew it was going to be too windy for a joint, however the marijuana vape pen worked out truly well. The vape pen does not require any fire. A small battery in the chamber heats the marijuana oil inside of a cartridge. There is no mess plus no odor or smell. I spent most of our day off at Mile Rock Beach in San Francisco. The cloud never left the area, however the day was still a lot of fun. I study close to 100 pages that day while I listened to the sound of the birds plus the water crashing on the beach, and what a beautiful way to spend a dreary Sunday.


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