After the fire, all the air duct had to be cleaned plus sanitized

My neighbor was cooking something on the stove when she answered the door plus started talking to someone else, then the neighbor forgot that she had a pot of water hot on the stove plus it started to boil over, and water plus fire caused flames to spread plus a fire started in the bedroom.

The lady did not realize that a fire had started until there was a lot of smoke inside of her apartment… She panicked plus ran down the hall to get help instead of trying to put out the fire. There was a lot of smoke plus water harm inside of her apartment plus my apartment, my friend and I share air duct because our apartments are on top of each other, but after the fire, all I could stink was it plus smoke inside of my apartment, then i contacted the Jacksonville apartment association plus I proposed the air duct to be cleaned plus sanitized. The apartment association director wanted me to pay for the service, because she did not think that it was necessary. I threatened to call a lawyer so the director of the apartment building agreed to pay for a Jacksonville air duct cleaning company to sanitize plus clean all of the air duct in my apartment. The director also paid for a Jacksonville heating plus AC company to maintain plus clean the heating plus AC equipment. I also got the director to pay for a fresh carpet cleaning. I tried to get as much as I could out of the apartment director after the fire caused so much harm plus disruption.

ductless ac repair Jacksonville Florida