Marijuana has a truly pungent odor, and it isn’tthe best odor in the world.
It’s kind of outdated & musty & a little rotten.
It is straight-forward to tell when someone has been smoking marijuana, because the odor doesn’t dissipate suddenly, then even if you spray deodorizer or air freshener, the odor of marijuana is still present. I can consistently tell when someone has been smoking marijuana, because I use recreational products, but when our lady & I were recently in San Francisco, there was a guy smoking marijuana in the elevator, then my lady said that I was silly because she did not odor anything in the elevator. I really thought that I could odor marijuana, and all of us spent numerous more days in San Francisco & I never saw the guy again, so I was unable to prove or disprove our point, however on our truly last day in San francisco, we were loading up all of our luggage onto a cart. I had several big bags & our lady had numerous. I was grabbing the last tote & loading it onto the cart when a guy started walking down the hallway, however he was smoking a blunt. It was the same guy that was smoking in the elevator… This dude did not care if he was splitting the rules or not. There are cameras all over the hallway & I guess there is a camera in the elevator. I’m surprised no one has stopped & said anything to the guy. Maybe he works at the hotel & that’s why he gets away with splitting the rules.