My friends as well as myself have a various dining room house in the Denver Colorado area. It’s more than four miles away from our own job and I can absolutely go to the job using the Metro. My roomie works close to the apartment as well. She is a marijuana dispensary budtender. Legal weed is a great reason to live here in Colorado. I have actually lived in the Denver Colorado area for a great part of my life, but both of us recently decided to move. Denver rental rates are seriously High. My friend as well as myself spend almost $2,500 for a multiple dining room apartment. The community has amenities love a swimming pool, game room, sauna as well as a Fitness Center. During the last season, the owner of the place updated many of the items like the heating as well as air conditioning system. My roomy as well as myself were definitely inconvenience because it took all day for the Denver Heating as well as air conditioning business to install the equipment. My roommate and I found out then that our rental rates are going to be riding. Since the amenities are there, my roommate as well as myself will have our rental rates going up when the lease is renewed. The location is going to charge a lot of money because of the updates to the heating as well as air conditioning equipment. It really is a bummer, because a lot of people have longer leases. They won’t be affected by the new rates for a lot more months and ours are going up sooner than later.