My wife got a new job in San Francisco

When we graduated from college, I proposed getting married and my girlfriend said yes

My wife and I have been living in California for our whole lives. My wife was born and raised in the Sacramento area and I was born in the bay area near San Francisco. After high school, both of us ended up in LA for college. I was attending college to earn a business degree and my wife was attending college to earn a degree in hospital administration. The two of us were in a statistics class that was probably the hardest course I had to pass. June sat in front of me and I could smell the shampoo in her hair. It smelled like strawberries and it was totally intoxicating. After three weeks, I decided to ask her out for dinner. I was thrilled when she said yes. The two of us went to a really nice restaurant by the water. The view was spectacular, but so was the conversation. We went on a date every week for the next 6 months. We went hiking and to the movies and we enjoyed using cannabis together. Not everyone enjoys using cannabis, but my girlfriend and I found the love of weed in common. That was one of the reasons why both of us stayed in California for college. We didn’t want to give up legal cannabis. When we graduated from college, I proposed getting married and my girlfriend said yes. June and I settled into our life in LA, but a few months ago she was offered a job in my hometown of San Francisco. I was really excited to return to the bay area.

Marijuana Pick-up San Fransisco