My plans had to change at the last minute due to the pandemic.
I planned to tour the world with a group of friends.
But it seemed the universe had other plans in mind. It was too risky to travel abroad, so we planned a local tour instead. We would not venture too far and kept the tour within our region. One of us suggested spending the tour in Denver, Colorado. None of us had ever been to this city, so we had a new plan in motion within a week. We took all precautions to remain safe and traveled by road. The whole journey there was quite eventful as there were so many beautiful sites to see. On Monday afternoon, we arrived in Denver and went straight to the holiday we had booked to stay in. We liked staying in holiday lets instead of hotels since this gave us more privacy and an area to have loads of fun. The holiday was lovely and had excellent AC to keep us cool during the sweltering summer in Denver. We planned to pick certain areas we would visit as a group and others we’d do separately. For instance, we knew the guys did not want to tour any clothing stores. After many discussions, we chose our first spot to be the lovely 700 acres of Red Rocks Park, which had excellent views of the famous Rocky Mountains. The location was perfect for a day out in Denver since it had miles and miles of hiking trails beckoning for us to go and explore. Plus, there was also a theater in the park that was hosting some fantastic festivals. We had read this theatre had hosted great people like the Beatles and even John Denver himself.