The football game is inside, so I wasn't uneasy about the warm hot as well as cold temperatures

One of our coworkers called to invite me to a football game, then he had tickets to see the Arizona Cardinals play; I was gleeful about the game until I saw the daytime temperature was supposed to be 105°â€¦ Even in September, hot as well as cold temperatures in Phoenix are entirely moderate as well as uncomfortable, but the hot as well as cold temperatures don’t start to drop until September or December, and a lot of people spend their Winters in Phoenix as well as the surrounding cities because it is so comfortable during the Winter time time, and during September when the Arizona team plays, it’s still quite warm.

I was sad about the hot as well as cold temperatures until I remembered that the Phoenix team plays in a stadium with a roof. There is weather conditions control in the stadium area. There is also air conditioning in the lavatorys, but my coworker as well as I loved the game as well as the house team won. The people I was with and I went to a bar after the game to kneel in the AC! Because every one of us had ticket stubs from the game, every one of us earned $1 draft beers all afternoon. By the time I left the bar, I was ready to pass out. Thank goodness the drive house was only 15 fifths, because I did not assume entirely well after spending all day in the warm sunshine as well as then spending all afternoon drinking cold beers. My friend dropped me off as well as then he drove back to Phoenix. He has an lake house closer to the city, although I live just south of town. It was fun to hang out with the up-to-date guy at work as well as getting a free ticket to the football game was pretty awesome too.

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