Partner switches his mind about cannabis

It doesn’t cause dependency and no one has overdosed on cannabis

My sibling lives in Portland, OR, and every year I visit him over the summer. I try to avoid the rainy season and look forward to spending many weeks with him, but when he first moved, our sibling was not at all interested in shopping for cannabis! He actually had a truly disadvantage opinion of cannabis. While he was glad to show me the sites, try current restaurants, shop and hike, I had to borrow his car for a trip to the dispensary. He’d usually supply me a long lecture about the disadvantage consequences of using cannabis; Most of his information was incorrect. When I tried to explain the many therapeutic benefits of the plant, he wouldn’t listen… About many years ago, our sibling was disfigured at work. He hurt his back quite badly. He went through many different surgeries and 6 weeks of physical therapy, then the painkillers that were prescribed produced all sorts of unpleasant side-effects. He sad about becoming dependent on them. My sibling did a great deal of research into alternative medicines and l received a lot about cannabis. He learn countless studies about how THC, CBD and other cannabinoids mimic natural endocannabinoids produced by the human body. He discovered that cannabinoids influence receptors in the endocannabinoid system to effectively treat pain, inflammation and all sorts of medical problems. He finally accepted that plant-based medicine is safe. It doesn’t cause dependency and no one has overdosed on cannabis. Since having a great deal of success with cannabis during his recovery, our sibling is now an avid supporter of it. He respectfully visits the dispensary, knows all of the budtenders and has enrolled in their loyalty program.


Partner switches his mind about cannabis