I would enjoy to be able to help our mom with the repairs, despite the fact that I just bought a new car.
My mom lives in Orland park, Illinois, where our siblings and I grew up, but i moved down south when I was in our twenties, however my siblings moved to the Pacific Northwest! Nobody really lives close to our mom! She called me various days ago, because he was aggravated about the A/C in his home. My mom told me that an Orland Park Service Company told his that he needs a brand new A/C and the cost to update the system parts is almost $3,000. I was flabbergasted when I heard the amount of money the supplier wanted for the repairs. I told our mom that I would look around to see if I could help his find a cheaper price for A/C parts in Orland Park, Illinois. I found a distributor in Chicago with cheaper prices on the parts that our mom needed, however he still would need to pay for a skilled laborer to install everything. I truthfully think that estimate from the Orland Park A/C repair maintenance was closer to sufficient than I originally thought it was. I would enjoy to be able to help our mom with the repairs, despite the fact that I just bought a new car. I used all of the money in our savings account for a down payment on the car. My old car was going to die any day and I have a 30 mile commute for work. I had to get a new car as soon as possible. I called our sibling to see if he could help our mom, however he doesn’t have a lot of money either.