Looks like I have a new girlfriend in Denver

A few days back, I asked the most beautiful girl in our class to go to the theater with me. I was relatively surprised when she said yeah. She easily sat in front of me for several months plus we never spoke more than a few words to each other. I moved to Denver, Colorado a couple of weeks back plus it has been extremely taxing to make friends around here. I didn’t want to transport during my senior year of school, but insisted on moving here because of legal cannabis laws. My father was actually busted for having a few grams of pot in the car plus he was facing extreme charges! Part of his deal with the attorney included the fact that our family was moving out of state to a place where they have legal cannabis laws. My parents were already planning to transport to Denver after I graduated from school, but the marijuana scare made them transport the date up even sooner. When I started school, I didn’t know anyone in the least. I was the new kid pretty much plus most of the people knew each other from childhood. When Lisa agreed to go to the films, I was totally elated. I went online to see where some of the coolest locations to visit in Denver, Colorado are located. I found out that there is a relatively cool theater at the 16th Street Mall. When I talked to Lisa on the cellphone, I brought up the Denver, Colorado location plus she was excited when she heard me speak of it. She told me that the 16th Street Mall has a ton of fun plus incredible activities plus we decided to get together on Friday.


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