Now that online dating is so widespread, it’s easier than ever to create an account and start meeting people for romantic dates. Some people hate online dating but I always felt that it gave me a much better idea of who someone is before I even meet them and start developing a superficial attachment. It’s a filtering process that was never possible for older generations when they were young. My grandparents and parents alike have told me that in their day, usually you were limited to people you met in school, church, or at work. Sometimes you’d meet a potential romantic partner through friends and family members, but typically you were limited to any of these options. I guess that’s how it was in the rural parts of Canada, because my uncle who moved to Toronto in the 1970s claims that he has never struggled to find dates. Our community in north Richmond Hill isn’t rural farm land, but it’s essentially the half-way point between the metropolis that is Toronto, and the boondocks south of Lake Simcoe. When creating my online dating profile, I decided to look for dates in Toronto knowing the city’s acceptance of marijuana. I smoke weed and was hoping to find someone in Toronto that shares my love for the cannabis plant. Until I started using online dating, I wasn’t aware that Toronto was the largest city in Canada. Being a native of Ontario, you’d think I would know that. It wasn’t difficult at all to find dates in Toronto that loved to get high. One date of mine wanted to take me to this amazing cannabis cafe near the shores of Lake Ontario. It was one of the most romantic evenings of my life, and it’s a shame that relationship didn’t last.