I decided to open a new cannabis store along the border to Saline

While my kids now live in Ann Arbor and attend Ann Arbor schools, my parents raised me in a number of different suburbs back in the 1990s.

First we were up in Lyndon Township to the northwest of the village of Chelsea, now a proper city with its swollen population.

Then we moved eastward to Dexter for a few years before ending up in Hell in Livingston County. Our final residence before I left for college in Lansing was the city of Saline. If you live in Ann Arbor and want to find Saline, find Ann Arbor-Saline Rd and just head south until you arrive in the aforementioned city. The city is directly named after the salty “Saline” River that cuts through the town and was once used by local Native American tribes as a salt mine for meat preservation. While Saline has slowly expanded over the years, its neighborhoods have inched closer to the southern borders of Ann Arbor. Since housing prices are out of control in the Ann Arbor city limits, suburbs like Saline and Dexter are fantastic places to raise a family if you don’t mind the small town environment and the drive into the city of Ann Arbor from wherever you reside. I recently opened a cannabis store that is within the neighborhoods bordering Ann Arbor. There aren’t any existing weed stores for several miles, so I’m hoping that I don’t face too much competition in this particular location. Trying to start a cannabis store in the Ann Arbor city limits is tough because there are already so many of them here. The competition is fierce for Michigan marijuana, both medical and recreational.


I decided to open a new cannabis store along the border to Saline