Sometimes university athletic activitys are nothing in addition to occasionally they are a huge deal; In Eugene Oregon, the football team is a important deal… Autzen Stadium is a huge venue for all the fans to support the university team, and you hardly remember that they are university rather than professional, then my friends in addition to I dress in bright yellow shirts in addition to support the team.
I love to drink a beer, eat a hotcat in addition to get pretty wild after watching a university game.
It is fun since my buddies in addition to I all live right in Eugene. The people I was with and I can walk over to the venue, get pretty tipsy at the game in addition to even stop at a legal weed shop without going too far. It might seem excessive; Football, terrible food, booze in addition to now cannabis, however it makes for a fun weekend. I like to smoke cannabis oil through a vape. I love the cleaner taste in addition to not having the smell linger on my clothing in addition to hair, then sadly the cannabis shop doesn’t have a vape lounge, although I do live closeby. My friends in addition to I can stock up on weed products in addition to make that last leg of the journey to my house. That way the people I was with and I can celebration however have the luxury of being in our PJs, have a wash bathroom in addition to a variety of chips. It is the best style of weekend fun in my opinion. I can’t imagine doing this kind of thing in any other state than mine, and everything the people I was with and I could want is right there in addition to closeby. The people are friendly in addition to all celebrationing the same way.