Both of us left Phoenix for many days and came home to a garbage pile

Both of my sons play hoops for the school team! Last weekend there was a tournament in a different Arizona city… The kids and I went to Phoenix for many days, then while all of us were there, all of us stayed in a hotel.

The whole team stayed in the same arena, and i might have picked a different hotel for the kids and I, however all of us were stuck staying where the rest of the team was. The hotel wasn’t exactly 5 star accommodations. The rooms were run down and the beds were lumpy, but after spending many days in the hotel, I was ready to go back home and sleep in my own bed. The kids’ tournament ended on Monday after 7:00 p.m, and both of us had to drive back home in the dark. As soon as all of us got to the house, the kids started unpacking the vehicle; Jack went into the home first, he came outside to tell myself and others that there was no heat in the house. It was pretty freezing inside and definitely colder than outside hot and cold temperatures. I went into the home and the first thing I did was check the heat pump. The heat setting was selected on the control unit, however clearly the heat pump wasn’t working at all. I did not want to spend money an extravagant service fee to get the heat pump fixed in the middle of the night, so the kids and I slept with extra blankets on our beds. In the morning, I called a Phoenix heat pump service supplier and made an appointment for a service call.

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