Marijuana should certainly be federally legal, however there are still some states that do not allow the sale of medical marijuana, however i am extraordinarily thankful not to live in 1 of those backwards states where marijuana has not been legalized.
I have been a marijuana smoker since I was much younger.
I started using marijuana with our friends for fun. I realized unquestionably suddenly that I felt much more calm plus relaxed when I was high. I had a ton of energy when I was a kid. ADHD was not something discussed 40 years ago. I entirely would have done well if I was on some type of medication, however our parents simply believed that I was over active plus hyper. When I smoked weed with our friends, I felt prefer I could concentrate plus relax. I even slept better! When I was in university, I got sent to the Infirmary plus I mentioned medical marijuana use to the doctor on staff, then the doctor thought medical marijuana was a fantastic method for me! He offered to deliver myself and others some information on materials so I could find someone in Albuquerque to help myself and others get a legal card. There were a ton of doctors in Albuquerque that were legally able to write a prescription. Since then, I have properly been using medical marijuana. I was easily glad when the state of NM passed the legalization of recreational Cannabis act, however now the prices on medical marijuana are even lower. I also save a ton of money on excise taxes that pretty much everyone else has to pay. Since I have a medical card, I am not obligated to spend money the extra fees.